A strong Network

Der Migration and Development Council (MDC) ist ein Zusammenschluss von über 56 internationalen mehrheitlich migrantischen Organisationen und Unternehmen. Die Mitglieder haben diverse Projekterfahrungen und eine enorme Expertise in der integrativen und entwicklungspolitischen Arbeit. So gestalten wir gemeinsam eine partizipative und effektivere Integrationsarbeit und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.

Die Arbeit von MDC e.V.

Der Migration and Development Council e.V. (MDC) stärkt junge Migrant*innen in Integration, Partizipation und Unternehmertum und fördert die Zusammenarbeit zwischen globalem Süden und Norden. Mit über 56 (Stand 12.24) internationalen Mitgliedsorganisationen agiert MDC als Netzwerk für den Austausch von Best Practices in sozialen und unternehmerischen Bereichen. MDC bietet Workshops, Beratungen und Qualifizierungsprogramme, die migrantisches Engagement fördern und Chancengleichheit schaffen. Durch innovative Projekte, wie das „Greenoffice“, setzt sich MDC für Nachhaltigkeit und die Einbindung migrantischer Expertise in Entwicklungszusammenarbeit ein. Ein diverses Team aus 15 engagierten Fachkräften sichert die Umsetzung dieser Ziele und schafft eine inklusive Plattform für eine gerechtere, nachhaltigere Gesellschaft.



The idea of the MDC evolved in 2018 as part of Migrafrica’s empowerment workshops for migrant organizations. Together with 20 German migrant organizations we developed goals and initiated a political request to the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ.

The Symposium of Development (Fachtag der Entwicklung) in Cologne on June 13, 2019 with 200 participants was the starting signal for the activities of the MDC. Representatives from politics, administration, science, civil society and business discussed and developed further approaches and solutions for a more effective and participative development cooperation. As a result the first important collaborations and synergies for future projects were created for the MDC.


Last activities

Our demands

The participation of migrant organizations in development and integrative work must increase. Otherwise, their unique expertise and perspective remain unused
• We demand for the expansion and adjustment of funding at national and international levels.
• We demand equal opportunities for migrant organizations.
• We demand for the active participation of migrant organizations in the political dialogue.


The objectives of the MDC were presented by Migrafrica within the framework of various EU projects and were well received by the participating (migrant) organisations and companies. Important international partners and members could be won for the network and future cooperations were planned.


Participation in NAP-I

As a member of the MDC, Migrafrica was invited to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ) to advise the ministry on the development of the National Action Plan Integration (NAP-I) at the thematic forum "Migration and Development Cooperation". This federal strategy pays particular attention to working with migrant organizations. Thereby, the MDC was able to introduce the above-mentioned demands at federal level. For example, we requested adjusted funding guidelines for development projects by migrant organisations and corresponding professionalisation measures to promote the change from volunteering to full-time office.